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Letter from the Editor


With only two more issues left of the semester, it is safe to say the Pioneer staff has seen and covered a variety of campus beats – from significant events to breaking news to senior spotlights, we have tried our best to be a part of your lives as much as you are a part of ours.  That is why when it was time for Diane Kennedy, the President of the New York News Publisher’s Association, to present us with an award for the “Re-launch of the Pioneer Newspaper” during our meeting on Monday, it wasn’t a surprise to me that I was as touched as I was.


“In September, your school newspaper was essentially non-existent.  There was no staff, the website had been shut down, there were no procedures, no advertisers, basically nothing at all,” Kennedy stated during her lovely speech.  “But you were determined to re-create something worthwhile…And you have done it.  You are all the beneficiaries of that commitment…”  As editor, I am beyond proud of all the hard work and dedication.  Just look at that picture! Sometimes you really don’t know what you have until its staring you right in the face or, in this case, documented in a picture.


In this issue of the Pioneer, we are super excited to show our support for International Week.  I am genuinely disappointed that I missed the Indian Ceremony although I don’t think our sports editor was thrilled to have paint splattered on her face.  We also covered a very important issue in news.  Got mold? Don’t miss out on that story!


Thanks for picking up the Pioneer.  Don’t forget to purchase a CLASSIFIED AD!  Read our house ad on page 10 for more information! And a huge thank you goes out to Diane Kennedy.  It was truly an honor.


Samantha Bishal



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