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Posts published in April 2015

Fashionistas, Time to Buckle Up

By Maxime Devillaz Co-Editor-in-Chief In recent years, trends such as tattoos and piercings have become mainstream on the streets. Particularly in fashion, these trends come and go. What’s up next, one might wonder? Well, ‘apparel’-ly, men’s accessories. Sales have gone up by 9 percent, counted over the year from May…

Hillary Clinton for President?

By Julian Wilson Assistant Opinions Editor With 2015 nearing its midpoint, it’s time to start planning and preparing for the holidays already. However, that’s not the only thing to mark your calendars down for. It’s almost time for a new presidential race of primaries that will take place next year.…

Raising Tuition

By Angela Alfano Staff Writer The campus at LIU Post is filled with trees, bushes, and other vegetation that improves its outer appeal. The professors are some of the most accredited professionals in their field of study. This is all appealing to prospective students and even some of those who attend…

Adderall: Coming Soon as an Offer to You

By Joseph Iemma Staff Writer According to, “Adderall is a combination of stimulants (amphetamine and dextroampetamine) which help combat the side effects of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder).” This drug, which can only be provided by prescription, helps the consumer concentrate, pay attention, and also subdues any fidgeting the…

The Dystopian Film Fascination

By Danielle Sposato Staff Writer What would you do if you knew that your name would be thrown into a Russian Roulette lottery system that would reveal your impend- ing fate? Can you picture yourself having to fight for your life — to kill innocents to survive? These odds are…

Staying Healthy Over The Summer

By Harry Pearse Staff Writer We only have a couple weeks left of the spring semester, and as summer rolls in like the badass it is, we have to remember what we have gone through in these columns over the semester: Staying healthy, fit, and always trying to have a…

Has Cursing Lost its Edge?

By Angela Alfano Staff Writer Having grown up in a house where cursing was a big no-no, I refrained from saying curse words until the ninth grade. Now, I curse like a sailor, just never in my parents’ home. A tale as old as time, curse words are “big people…

Album Review: James Bay

By Melanie Spina Staff Writer You may not know who James Bay is, but I am sure you’ve spent some time listening to his newest hit, “Let It Go” every time it comes on the radio. With his unique, husky, rugged, and gruff voice, the British singer-songwriter has been gaining…

Staying the Course

By Joseph Iemma Staff Writer As the calendar turns from March to April, and the snow mounds finally give way to the warmth of spring, the end of the semester is finally insight. With our eyes set on the much anticipated arrival of warmer weather, we unknowingly have entered the…