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Posts published in “Opinions”

Frequently Forgetful?

By Alecia Sexton Layout Manager As college students, cognitive health and preservation may be the last things on our minds – no pun intended – but maybe it shouldn’t be. As we age, our bodies and brains function less efficiently and begin requiring more nourishing foods and more substantial interactions…

Capable of Happiness: Mindfulness

By Gillian Pietrowski Columns Editor To be mindful is to be mentally present and focused on what is going on around you in the moment. Many people, like myself, don’t stop to appreciate the in-between moments; we are too mentally checked- out to stop and smell the roses. Recently I…

Controversial Colors in Your Food

By Alecia Sexton Layout Manager Not many of us are accustomed to read- ing food labels before we indulge in a bag of Sour Patch Kids or a cup of yogurt, and many people are uninterested in the ingredients in a McDonald’s strawberry milkshake. However, these snacks, among many other…

Food for happy thoughts

By Alecia Sexton Layout Editor It’s official, a March issue of Psychological Science, an on- line journal that accepts articles from doctors around the globe, confirmed that those who dwell over stressful situations and reflect on hardships regularly have more chronic health conditions throughout their lives. The journal reports that…

Capable of Happiness: Beautiful Minds

By Gillian Pietrowski Columns Editor And just like that, we are back! I hope you all enjoyed your summer and are ready to take on the school year. Each semester gives us the opportunity to be a better version of ourselves. I know we end up falling back to the…

First Amendment: Secure or in Danger?

By Pooja Bachani Education Columnist “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” –U.S.…

Holiday Resting

By Ludvig Brisby Jeppsson Business Columnist Final exams are soon over and the holidays will offer the opportunity to take a break from late evenings in the library and early morning classes. The common view is that the chance to rest is needed and leisure will make it possible for…