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Instagram Account Holds Ducky Scavenger Hunt

By Hayley Cohen, Staff Writer

On Instagram, there is an account that posts photographs of tiny rubber ducks hidden all around campus. When someone on campus finds one, they can post of photo of it with the hashtag #liudux, therefore participating in a “ducky scavenger hunt.” The account holder, Alina McCarthy, does not have an actual name for the activity. Students can tag @LIUdux on Instagram when they find one of the ducks.

McCarthy, a freshman vet-tech major, is the proprietor of the @LIUdux account. “I simply just wanted to add another fun memory for the students here. I thought of it about a year ago in high school,” she said.

“A bunch of people [have] placed these ducks around everywhere just for the sake of doing it. A young lady in my high school did it as an abortion protest and that truly motivated me to do this scavenger hunt,” McCarthy said. “I tend to carry around 10 ducks with me, all numbered, and place them wherever no one is looking or in obscure places.”

McCarthy numbers all of the ducks hidden around campus, and when she posts the photos people submit to the @LIUdux Instagram account, each number is displayed. McCarthy is working alone, although some people have known about it but don’t say anything, according to her. She uses about 60 ducks per scavenger hunt.

“I still have 40 to place, but that will have to wait until after the quarantine. I’m thinking about giving prizes to the people who find the ones that are hard to find in the fall,” she said.

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